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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

주제 저널 논문 저자 지역 발행일자
Education Higher Education Exploring the factors of pursuing a master’s degree in South Korea Dr Jisun Jung Hong Kong 13/3/2019
Education Higher Education What motivates Chinese undergraduates to engage in learning? Insights from a psychological approach to student engagement research Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 19/2/2018
Education Heliyon Communication preference and the effectiveness of clickers in an Asian university economics course Dr. Raymond Li Hong Kong 29/4/2020
Law & Jurisprudence European Journal of Health Law Doctor’s Criminal Liability and Medically Assisted Death – The Portuguese Case Dr Vera Lucia Raposo Macau 19/6/2019
Education European Early Childhood Education Research Journal Parents’ play beliefs and engagement in young children’s play at home Dr Hui Li Hong Kong 3/9/2018
Education English Teaching & Learning English Language Needs of Chinese/English Interpreting Students: an Error Analysis of the Chinese-to-English Short Consecutive Interpreting Test Dr Chia-chien Chang Taiwan 11/6/2018
Education ELT Journal Translation revisited for low-proficiency EFL writers Professor Mun Woo Lee    South Korea 4/10/2018
Education English Literacy Instruction for Chinese Speakers Second Language Literacy Instruction for Pre-primary Learners in Hong Kong: Using Stories, Songs, and Games Dr Mei Lee Ng Hong Kong 18/5/2019
Humanities Eighteenth-Century Music FRANÇOIS COUPERIN (1668–1733), ed. DENIS HERLIN PIÈCES DE CLAVECIN, PREMIER LIVRE (1713) / PIÈCES DE CLAVECIN, SECOND LIVRE (1717) Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2016 / 2018 pp. xxxvi + 128, ismn979 0 006 50561 6 / pp. xxxviii + 137, ismn979 0 006 50562 3 Professor David Chung Hong Kong 20/8/2019
Education Educational Technology Research and Development  Chinese students’ intentions to use the Internet-based technology for learning Ms Fang Huang  China 17/7/2019
Education Educational Technology Research and Development Grounding the flipped classroom approach in the foundations of educational technology Mr Chung Kwan Lo    Hong Kong 2/6/2018
Education Educational Technology Research and Development Metacognitive scaffolding for online information search in K-12 and higher education settings: a systematic review Dr Mingming Zhou Macau 22/1/2019
Education Educational Technology Research and Development  Digital equity in cultural context: exploring the influence of Confucian heritage culture on Hong Kong families Dr Allan Yuen Hong Kong 15/2/2017
Education Educational Studies Educational decentralisation and students’ academic achievement: a cross-cultural analysis Dr. Kwok Kuen Tsang China 27/6/2021
Education Educational Studies The function and integration of components of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in classroom teaching: a case study of business English teachers Dr Colin Yu Macau 9/3/2018
Education Educational Studies Exploring the effects of professional learning communities on teacher’s self-efficacy and job satisfaction in Shanghai, China Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 20/10/2020
Education Educational Research Review Understanding linguistic, individual and contextual factors in oral feedback research: A review of empirical studies in L2 classrooms Dr Colin Yu Macau 6/5/2018
Education Educational Research Review Toward a set of design principles for mathematics flipped classrooms: A synthesis of research in mathematics education Dr Khe Foon Hew Hong Kong 24/8/2017
Education Educational Research Review Toward a set of design principles for decoding training: A systematic review of studies of English as a foreign/second language listening education 5/7/2021
Education Educational Psychology Thinking styles and academic stress coping among Chinese secondary school students Dr Wei Yuan Hong Kong 2/6/2017

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