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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

주제 저널 논문 저자 지역 발행일자
Education Journal of School Psychology Subjective well-being is reciprocally associated with academic engagement: A two-wave longitudinal study Professor Ronnel King Hong Kong 29/5/2018
Education Journal of Research in Science Teaching Using a three‐dimensional thinking graph to support inquiry learning Professor Maggie Wang Hong Kong 3/8/2018
Education Journal of School Psychology Sources of individual differences in young Chinese children's reading and mathematics skill: A longitudinal study Dr Xiao Zhang Hong Kong 11/10/2018
Education Journal of Psycholinguistic Research The Influence of Learning Style on English Learning Achievement Among Undergraduates in Mainland China Ms Fang Huang    Macau 26/3/2018
Education Journal of Research in Childhood Education Bridging the Rural-Urban Literacy Gap in China: A Mediation Analysis of Family Effects Dr Dan Wang Hong Kong 19/12/2017
Education Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment Psychometric Properties of the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale for Chinese Special Education Teachers Mr. Ming Hui Lu China 8/5/2020
Humanities Journal of Popular Music Studies The Making of Singer-songwriters: Exploring the Authorship and Ethos of Contemporary Folk Music in Mainland China Dr Stella Qu China 3/1/2020
Education Journal of Librarianship and Information Science Exploring secondary school students’ self-perception and actual understanding of plagiarism Dr Samuel Chu Hong Kong 16/9/2019
Education Journal of Physical Education and Sport How is positive youth development understood and practiced by Korean secondary physical education teachers? A broad picture Professor Okseon Lee South Korea 31/12/2018
Law & Jurisprudence Journal of Legal Medicine Defensive Medicine and the Imposition of a More Demanding Standard of Care Dr Vera Lucia Raposo Portugal 15/1/2020
Humanities Journal of Korean Religions "Ummah" in Seoul: The Creation of Symbolic Spaces in the Islamic Central Masjid of Seoul Professor Doyoung Song South Korea 10/1/2016
Education Journal of Information Technology Education: Research Incorporating Wiki Technology in a Traditional Biostatistics Course: Effects on University Students’ Collaborative Learning, Approaches to Learning and Course Performance Dr Shirley Fong Hong Kong 8/1/2017
Education Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management The fourth industrial revolution, knowledge production and higher education in South Korea Dr Jisun Jung Hong Kong 15/9/2019
Education Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement Faculty Experience of Service-Learning Pedagogy at a Hong Kong University Dr Sophia Law China 19/12/2019
Education Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management Current and future challenges of the Chinese research system Dr Hugo Horta Hong Kong 18/6/2019
Education Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Environmental regulation and firm exports: Evidence from the eleventh Five-Year Plan in China Dr Xinzheng Shi China 4/9/2018
Education Journal of Further and Higher Education Leadership initiatives in response to institutional quality assurance challenges in Tanzania’s private universities Dr Samson John Mgaiwa Hong Kong 17/12/2020
Education Journal of English for Academic Purposes Salient language features in explanation texts that students encounter in secondary school chemistry textbooks Mr Jack Pun    Hong Kong 29/8/2019
Education Journal of English for Academic Purposes “I see absolutely nothing wrong with that in fact I think …”: Functions of modifiers in shaping dynamic relationships in dissertation defenses Dr Chia-Yen Lin   Taiwan 31/5/2017
Law & Jurisprudence Journal of Empirical Legal Studies Board independence as a panacea to tunnelling? An empirical study of related party transactions in Hong Kong and Singapore Professor Christopher Chen Singapore 25/9/2018

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