Publication Successes

トピック領域 Journal Published Paper 投稿者 From Publication Date
Sciences, Social Human Resource Management Journal Selecting people based on person-organisation fit: Implications for intrateam trust and team performance Prof. Zhixue Zhang China 15/6/2020
Sciences, Social Human Resource Management The effects of negative mentoring experiences on mentor creativity: The roles of mentor ego depletion and traditionality Prof. Michael Kwan Ho Kwong China 6/8/2021
Sciences, Social HERMES – Journal of Language and Communication in Business When the Translator Does More than Translate: A Case Study of Translator Roles in a Digital Publishing Initiative Dr Maialen Marin-Lacarta Hong Kong 22/12/2018
Sciences, Social Health & Place Using street view data and machine learning to assess how perception of neighborhood safety influences urban residents’ mental health Dr Yi Lu China 8/7/2019
Sciences, Social Habitat International Strategies for risk management in urban–rural conflict: Two case studies of land acquisition in urbanising China Dr Ann Yu Hong Kong 29/11/2016
Sciences, Social Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice Team emotion diversity and performance: The moderating role of social class homogeneity Professor Jiping Li Hong Kong 6/1/2018
Sciences, Social Government and Opposition Selectorate Theory in Hybrid Regimes: Comparing Hong Kong and Singapore Dr Mathew Wong Hong Kong 4/6/2017
Sciences, Social Globalization and Health Assessment of the health status and health service perceptions of international migrants coming to Guangzhou, China, from high-, middle- and low-income countries DrRemina Maimaitijiang China 25/1/2019
Sciences, Social Governance Isolated counties, administrative monitoring, and the misuse of public funds in China Dr Yiping Wu   Hong Kong 23/4/2019
Sciences, Social Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape Land management issues in China’s rural areas Professor Weidong Qu   China 14/5/2017
Sciences, Social Geopolitics Geopolitics of Toponymic Inscription in Taiwan: Toponymic Hegemony, Politicking and Resistance Dr Dennis Hui Hong Kong 26/12/2017
Sciences, Social Gender and Education Research agendas of female and male academics: a new perspective on gender disparities in academia Dr Hugo Horta Hong Kong 7/12/2020
Sciences, Social Geoheritage Using Tourism Carrying Capacity to Strengthen UNESCO Global Geopark Management in Hong Kong Dr Shanshan Chung Hong Kong 13/10/2017
Sciences, Social FORUM. Revue internationale d’interprétation et de traduction / International Journal of Interpretation and Translation Disfluency in relay and non-relay simultaneous interpreting Dr Andrew Cheung Hong Kong 26/7/2019
Sciences, Social Flavour and Fragrence Journal Characterization of major odor-active compounds responsible for nutty flavor in Cheddar cheese according to Chinese taste Dr. Chen Chen China 11/1/2020
Sciences, Social Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions A preliminary consequential evaluation of the roles of cultures in human rights debates Dr Benedict Chan Hong Kong 17/5/2019
Sciences, Social Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions Revisiting the relationship between economic growth and inclusive development Dr Muk Yan Wong Hong Kong 16/5/2019
Sciences, Social Family Relations Money Management and Gender Equality: An Analysis of Dual-Earner Couples in Western Europe Ms Beyda Cineli Spain 22/6/2020
Sciences, Social Facilities Policy, implementation and management of the inclusive design of open space for visually impaired persons Professor Michael Siu Hong Kong 4/1/2019
Sciences, Social European Sociological Review The Role of Gender Stereotypes in Hiring: A Field Experiment Prof. M. Jose Gonzalez Spain 30/1/2019
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