Publication Successes

トピック領域 Journal Published Paper 投稿者 From Publication Date
Sciences, Social Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing  Shopping destination competitiveness: scale development and validation Dr Jinsoo Lee   Hong Kong 30/5/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing How are food value video clips effective in promoting food tourism? Generation Y versus non–Generation Y Professor Sam Kim Hong Kong 5/9/2017
Sciences, Social Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing Role Shifting Between Entrepreneur and Tourist: A Case Study on Dali and Lijiang, China Dr Honggang Xu China 4/3/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Transport Geography Exploring the impact of high speed railways on the spatial redistribution of economic activities - Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration as a case study Professor Bo Huang Hong Kong 11/6/2016
Sciences, Social Journal of Transport Geography Hub-and-spoke network design for container shipping along the Yangtze River Dr Dong Yang Hong Kong 17/7/2016
Sciences, Social Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing Segmentation of potential film tourists by film nostalgia and preferred film tourism program Professor Sam Kim Hong Kong 15/2/2017
Sciences, Social Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change Place construction in the context of world heritage tourism: the case of ‘Kaiping Diaolou and Villages’ Mr Xueji Wang China 30/10/2017
Sciences, Social Journal of the Korean Statistical Society Identification of the minimum non-inferior dose in a three-arm non-inferiority trial Dr. Siu Hung Cheung Hong Kong 18/2/2020
Sciences, Social Journal of the European Second Language Association Effects of task complexity on the oral production of Chinese learners of Portuguese as a foreign language Dr Sara Santos Macau 31/8/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Sustainable Tourism Residents’ attitudes toward prostitution in Macau Dr Libo Yan Macau 21/6/2017
Sciences, Social Journal of Sustainable Tourism The corporate philanthropy and legitimacy strategy of tourism firms: a community perspective Dr Caiping Wang China 23/4/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Sustainable Tourism Mobility dilemmas: conflict analysis of road constructions in a Tibetan tourism community in China Dr. Shiqin Zhang Hong Kong 16/9/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Social Work Assessing attitudes towards evidence-based practice among social workers in Hong Kong Professor Minseop Kim   Hong Kong 22/6/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Sustainable Tourism Targeted poverty alleviation in China: segmenting small tourism entrepreneurs and effectively supporting them Dr Zengxian Liang China 12/11/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Service Theory and Practice What to say on social media and how: Effects of communication style and function on online customer engagement in China Professor Jintao Wu China 17/9/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Social Work Enhancing resilience in cross-boundary families: A parent–child parallel group intervention Ms He Bu Hong Kong 14/4/2020
Sciences, Social Journal of School Violence A Cross-National Examination of School Violence and Nonattendance Due to School Violence in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China: A Rasch Model Approach Professor Ji-Kang Chen Hong Kong 31/1/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Second Language Writing Effects of intertextual processing on L2 integrated writing Dr Choo Mui Cheong Hong Kong 4/10/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Rural Studies Proximity, embeddedness and evolution: The role of networks in the development of the informal female labour market for glove manufacturing in Gaozhou county, China Dr Huasheng Yuan China 25/3/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Psycholinguistic Research Strategy Use in Oral Communication with Competent Synthesis and Complex Interaction Dr Choo Mui Cheong Hong Kong 6/4/2019
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