Publication Successes

トピック領域 Journal Published Paper 投稿者 From Publication Date
Sciences, Medical Science China Life Sciences Synthesis and evaluation of a paclitaxel-binding polymeric micelle for efficient breast cancer therapy Ms Bihan Wu   China 19/3/2018
Sciences, Medical Saudi Surgical Journal Leiomyoma of the hand Dr Feras Altumaihi Saudi Arabia 14/3/2019
Sciences, Medical Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports Muscle activity and vibration transmissibility during whole‐body vibration in chronic stroke Ms Meizhen Huang Hong Kong 14/2/2019
Sciences, Medical Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal Investigation on the immunomodulatory activities of Sarcodon imbricatus extracts in a cyclophosphamide (CTX)-induced immunosuppressanted mouse model Ms Xue Wang    China 21/4/2017
Sciences, Medical Research in Developmental Disabilities Leg muscle activation patterns during walking and leg lean mass are different in children with and without developmental coordination disorder Dr Shirley Fong Hong Kong 22/12/2017
Sciences, Medical Reproductive Biomedicine Online Follicular fluid humanin concentration is related to ovarian reserve markers and clinical pregnancy after IVF–ICSI: a pilot study Dr Meng Rao    China 23/11/2018
Sciences, Medical Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology Maternal physical activity before IVF/ICSI cycles improves clinical pregnancy rate and live birth rate: a systematic review and meta-analysis Dr Meng Rao China 7/2/2018
Sciences, Medical Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology Effect of transient scrotal hyperthermia on human sperm: an iTRAQ-based proteomic analysis Ms. Yanqing Wu China 12/8/2020
Sciences, Medical Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology Letrozole versus laparoscopic ovarian drilling in clomiphene citrate-resistant women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Dr Shifu Hu China 6/2/2019
Sciences, Medical Rehabilitation Science Stability Limits of Standing Postural Control in Young Male Ving Tsun Chinese Martial Art Practitioners: A Pilot Study in Hong Kong Dr Shirley Fong    Hong Kong 7/3/2017
Sciences, Medical Psychoneuroendocrinology Perceived stress moderates the effects of a randomized trial of dance movement therapy on diurnal cortisol slopes in breast cancer patients Dr Ted Fong Hong Kong 18/10/2017
Sciences, Medical Psychiatry Research Deficits in recognizing disgust facial expressions and Internet addiction: Perceived stress as a mediator Professor Cecilia Cheng  Hong Kong 26/4/2017
Sciences, Medical Psychiatry Research Catatonia in an inpatient gerontopsychiatric population Professor Gabor Ungvari Australia 25/5/2017
Sciences, Medical Progress in Nutrition University students meal experience at the dining hall Professor Nurhan Unusan Turkey 22/2/2019
Sciences, Medical PLOS ONE  Hydrogen sulfide mediates athero-protection against oxidative stress via S-sulfhydration Ms Maggie Cheung    Hong Kong 8/3/2018
Sciences, Medical PLOS ONE Relationship between perceived physical literacy and physical activity levels among Hong Kong adolescents Professor Raymond Kim Hong Kong 27/8/2018
Sciences, Medical PLOS ONE Comparison of bilateral and unilateral upper limb training in people with stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis Dr Shamay Ng Hong Kong 23/5/2019
Sciences, Medical PLOS ONE The MAndarin spoken word—Picture IDentification test in noise—Adaptive (MAPID-A) measures subtle speech-recognition-in-noise changes and spatial release from masking in very young children Dr. Kevin Yuen Hong Kong 10/1/2019
Sciences, Medical PLOS ONE A structural equation model of the relationship between muscle strength, balance performance, walking endurance and community integration in stroke survivors Mr Patrick Kwong Hong Kong 19/10/2017
Sciences, Medical PLOS ONE Assessing the fall risks of community-dwelling stroke survivors using the Short-form Physiological Profile Assessment (S-PPA) Dr Shamay Ng Hong Kong 21/5/2019
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