Publication Successes

トピック領域 Journal Published Paper 投稿者 From Publication Date
Sciences, Medical The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine Effect of prenatal nutritional intervention on foetal growth restriction: a real-world study in Shenzhen, China Dr. Weiqing Chen China 6/7/2020
Sciences, Medical The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries Seroprevalence of antibodies for pertussis and diphtheria among people leaving or entering China: a cross-sectional study Dr Hui Han China 31/5/2019
Sciences, Medical The Journal of ECT Changes in Electroconvulsive Therapy Practice in the Last 12 Years in Hungary Professor Gabor Ungvari   Australia 1/12/2017
Sciences, Medical The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal Comparing Modified Huddart-Bodenham Scoring System and GOSLON Yardstick to Assess Dental Arch Relationships in Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Patients Dr Yanqi Yang Hong Kong 22/2/2018
Sciences, Medical The Annals of Thoracic Surgery A Modified and Less Invasive Procedure in Aortic Arch Replacement Dr Feng Gao China 1/2/2017
Sciences, Medical The British Journal of Psychiatry Ten-year employment patterns of patients with first-episode schizophrenia-spectrum disorders: comparison of early intervention and standard care services Dr Sherry Chan Hong Kong 9/7/2019
Sciences, Medical The Annals of Thoracic Surgery Survival Rates After Lobectomy, Segmentectomy, and Wedge Resection for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Dr Jinlin Cao China 17/2/2018
Sciences, Medical The American Journal of the Medical Sciences Angiogenesis Process in Osteosarcoma: An Updated Perspective of Pathophysiology and Therapeutics Mr Yusheng Li China 12/12/2018
Sciences, Medical The AAPS Journal Dose Correction for a Michaelis–Menten Approximation of a Target-Mediated Drug Disposition Model with a Multiple Intravenous Dosing Regimens Professor Xiaoyu Yan Hong Kong 16/1/2020
Sciences, Medical The American Journal of Chinese Medicine A Guideline for Randomized Controlled Trials of Acupuncture Dr Haiyong Chen Hong Kong 7/1/2019
Sciences, Medical Stroke Decreasing Fear of Falling in Chronic Stroke Survivors Through Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Task-Oriented Training Dr Shamay Ng Hong Kong 7/12/2018
Sciences, Medical Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques The Learning Curve for Surgeons Regarding Endoscopic Thyroidectomy via the Oral-vestibular Approach Dr Rui Qu China 1/12/2018
Sciences, Medical Statistics in Medicine Response-adaptive treatment allocation for survival trials with clustered right-censored data Dr Siu-Hung Cheung Hong Kong 19/4/2018
Sciences, Medical Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology The effect of media reporting of a homicide committed by a patient with schizophrenia on the public stigma and knowledge of psychosis among the general population of Hong Kong Dr Sherry Chan Hong Kong 12/10/2018
Sciences, Medical Social Science & Medicine Does long-term care insurance reduce hospital utilization and medical expenditures? Evidence from China Prof. Jin Feng China 26/5/2020
Sciences, Medical Sleep and Breathing Astragaloside IV ameliorates intermittent hypoxia-induced inflammatory dysfunction by suppressing MAPK/NF-κB signalling pathways in Beas-2B cells Dr Jian-Kun Chen China 6/1/2020
Sciences, Medical Scientific Reports  Adapted Taekwondo Training for Prepubertal Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: A Randomized, Controlled Trial Dr Shirley Fong    Hong Kong 9/7/2018
Sciences, Medical Scientific Reports Direct and indirect associations between dietary magnesium intake and breast cancer risk Dr Cai-Xia Zhang China 8/4/2019
Sciences, Medical Scientific Reports Effects of transthoracic device closure on ventricular septal defects and reasons for conversion to open-heart surgery: A meta-analysis Mr Yang Zhou   China 22/9/2017
Sciences, Medical Scientific reports Most self-touches are with the nondominant hand Dr. Nan Zhang Hong Kong 26/6/2020
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