Publication Successes

トピック領域 Journal Published Paper 投稿者 From Publication Date
Sciences, Social Journal of Environmental Management End-of-life (EoL) mobile phone management in Hong Kong households Dr Wen-Jing Deng Hong Kong 23/5/2017
Sciences, Social Journal of Convention & Event Tourism A framework of environmental mitigation for the convention and exhibition centers in the China greater Bay area Dr Barry Mak Hong Kong 1/12/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Divorce & Remarriage A Qualitative Study of Parents’ and Children’s Views on Mediation Professor Mooly Wong Hong Kong 1/3/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Contemporary China China and the European Union’s Participation in Conflict Resolution: Norm Dynamics, Convergence and Divergence in Foreign Policy Dr Weiqing Song Macau 9/11/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia Heritage Soft Power in East Asia’s Memory Contests: Promoting and Objecting to Dissonant Heritage in UNESCO Dr Ryoko Nakano Japan 30/6/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Contemporary China Should We Have a Second Child? Reproductive Decisions and Family Negotiation under China’s Two-child Policy Dr. Yinni Peng Hong Kong 23/12/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Contemporary China Top-Level Design and Fragmented Decision-Making: A Case Study of an SOE Merger in China’s High-Speed Rail Industry Dr Dongya Huang China 22/8/2017
Sciences, Social Journal of Contemporary Asia Reflecting on Social Movement Unionism in Hong Kong: The Case of the Dockworkers’ Strike in 2013 Dr Chris Chan Hong Kong 28/3/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Contemporary Asia Work and Family Life among Migrant Factory Workers in China and Vietnam Dr Kaxton Siu Hong Kong 14/10/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice A Comparative Analysis of Expert Advisors’ Role Perceptions in Policymaking: The Case of Hong Kong, China Professor Wei Li Hong Kong 18/12/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice Assessing Information-based Policy Tools: An Eye-Tracking Laboratory Experiment on Public Information Posters Prof. Richard Walker Hong Kong 6/11/2020
Psychology Journal of Clinical Psychology The effect of positive and negative memory bias on anxiety and depression symptoms among adolescents. Professor Samuel Ho Hong Kong 28/2/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Communication Disorders Speech sound disorders or differences: Insights from bilingual children speaking two Chinese languages Dr Carol To Hong Kong 23/9/2017
Sciences, Social Journal of China Tourism Research Holistic Tourism: A New Norm of the Industry Professor Bihu Wu China 28/11/2017
Sciences, Social Journal of China Tourism Research  Entrepreneurial Motivation and Destination Evolution Dr Sha Wang    China 4/6/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of China Tourism Research Factors that Influence Potential Green Hotel Customers’ Decision-making Process – Evidence from China Mr Yang Jiang China 16/1/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of China Tourism Research Impacts of Work–Family Conflict on Female Hospitality Employees’ Job Outcomes Professor Yun Yang China 21/8/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of China Tourism Research Gender and Emotion in Tourism: Do Men and Women Tour Leaders Differ in Their Performance of Emotional Labor? Dr Catherine Cheung   Hong Kong 24/9/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of China Tourism Research Investigating Destination Loyalty through Tourist Attraction Personality and Loyalty Dr. Frances Weng Hang Kong Macau 16/12/2020
Sciences, Social Journal of China Tourism Research Analyzing Attributes of the Spa Service Experience: Perceptions of Spa-Goers Traveling to Hong Kong Professor Deniz Kucukusta Hong Kong 17/9/2018
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