Publication Successes

トピック領域 Journal Published Paper 投稿者 From Publication Date
Engineering, Architecture & Design Particulate Science and Technology Influences of combustion improver content and motionless time on the stability of two-phase emulsions Dr Cherng-Yuan Lin Taiwan 14/9/2016
Sciences, Physical Optics Communications Improvement of signal-to-noise ratio in photothermal microscopy by optimizing detection aperture Dr Jun Miyazaki Japan 1/5/2017
Sciences, Physical Optics Communications Experimental evaluation of temperature increase and associated detection sensitivity in shot noise-limited photothermal microscopy Dr Jun Miyazaki Japan 13/8/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Optics and Lasers in Engineering Non-iterative denoising algorithm based on a dual threshold for a 3D point cloud Dr Xuelian Liu China 11/6/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Optical Engineering Superpixel-based video saliency detection via the fusion of spatiotemporal saliency and temporal coherency Dr. Yandi Li    China 8/6/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Optical Engineering Quality optimization and control technology for a full field-of-view imaging surface using a stationary phase method and an ambiguity function method Professor Xuemin Cheng China 3/10/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Optical Design and Testing VIII Development of the stabilized zoom system based on the deformable mirror Professor Xuemin Cheng China 29/11/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Ocean Engineering Probabilistic approach for collision risk analysis of powered vessel with offshore platforms Dr Jung Kwan Seo   South Korea 13/2/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Ocean Engineering Safety-zone layout design for a floating LNG-Fueled power plant in bunkering process Prof. Jeom Kee Paik South Korea 12/6/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Ocean Engineering Efficient water deluge nozzles arrangement on offshore installations for the suppression of pool fires Dr Jung Kwan Seo South Korea 9/7/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Ocean Engineering An empirical formula for predicting the collapse strength of composite cylindrical-shell structures under external pressure loads Professor Jeom Kee Paik South Korea 12/8/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Ocean Engineering Proposed formulas for evaluation of the equivalent material properties of a multiholed structure Dr Jung Kwan Seo South Korea 6/7/2016
Engineering, Architecture & Design Ocean Engineering A probabilistic approach to determine design loads for collision between an offshore supply vessel and offshore installations Professor Jeom Kee Paik Korea 1/11/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Ocean Dynamics Controls on the interannual variability of hypoxia in a subtropical embayment and its adjacent waters in the Guangdong coastal upwelling system, northern South China Sea Dr Heng Zhang China 6/7/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Ocean & Coastal Management Importance of large-scale coastal circulation on bay-shelf exchange and residence time in a subtropical embayment, the northern South China Sea Dr Heng Zhang China 16/11/2018
Sciences, Physical Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research: Section A Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment Dr Zhixin Tan China 2/10/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Ocean & Coastal Management Plume-to-plume interactions in the Pearl River Delta in winter Dr Wenping Gong China 4/11/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Ocean Engineering Three-dimensional ventilated supercavity on a maneuvering trajectory Dr Wang Zou China 29/6/2016
Sciences, Physical npj Materials Degradation Modeling the effect of insoluble corrosion products on pitting corrosion kinetics of metals Professor San-Qiang Shi Hong Kong 26/7/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design npj Materials Degradation Mechanical–chemical coupling phase-field modeling for inhomogeneous oxidation of zirconium induced by stress–oxidation interaction Prof. San Qiang Shi Hong Kong 8/5/2020
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