Publication Successes

トピック領域 Journal Published Paper 投稿者 From Publication Date
Sciences, Physical The Journal of Chemical Physics Transformations of body-centered cubic crystals composed of hard or soft spheres to liquids or face-centered cubic crystals Dr Feng Wang Hong Kong 1/2/2019
Sciences, Physical The Journal of Chemical Physics Transformations of body-centered cubic crystals composed of hard or soft spheres to liquids or face-centered cubic crystals Dr Feng Wang Hong Kong 1/2/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design The International Journal of Maritime Engineering An advanced procedure for the quantitative risk assessment of offshore installations in explosions Professor Jeom Kee Paik South Korea 6/1/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design The International Journal of Maritime Engineering An advanced procedure for the quantitative risk assessment of offshore installations in explosions Professor Jeom Kee Paik South Korea 6/1/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design The International Journal of Design in Society Enhancing the Play and Leisure Experiences of Visually Impaired Young Adults in Hong Kong:: A Qualitative Study Mr Alex King Hong Kong 1/1/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design The International Journal of Design in Society Enhancing the Play and Leisure Experiences of Visually Impaired Young Adults in Hong Kong:: A Qualitative Study Mr Alex King Hong Kong 1/1/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design The International Journal of Damage Mechanics An online monitoring method for creep-fatigue life consumption with real-time damage accumulation Prof. Weizhe Wang China 17/1/2021
Engineering, Architecture & Design The International Journal of Damage Mechanics An online monitoring method for creep-fatigue life consumption with real-time damage accumulation Prof. Weizhe Wang China 17/1/2021
Sciences, Earth & Space The Geographical Journal Claiming geothermal water: Critical legal geography and the scalar politics of hot spring development in China Dr Peng Li China 18/1/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design The Design Journal Participant Observation in Cognitive Gameplay as a Rehabilitation Tool for Living Alone Elderly with Dementia in Hong Kong: A Pilot Study Mr Alex King Hong Kong 9/6/2017
Sciences, Physical The European Physical Journal – Applied Physics Analysis of factors affecting the performance of BIPV panels Dr Eric Lee Hong Kong 28/11/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design The Design Journal Co-designing Mobile Collection Points with Older Persons to Promote Green Attitudes and Practices in Hong Kong Mr Alex King Hong Kong 31/5/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design The Design Journal Co-designing Mobile Collection Points with Older Persons to Promote Green Attitudes and Practices in Hong Kong Mr Alex King Hong Kong 31/5/2019
Computing, Maths & Statistics The canadian journal of statistics Jump-robust testing of volatility functions in continuous time models Mr. Qiang Chen China 29/7/2021
Computing, Maths & Statistics The Annals of Probability Berry–Esseen bounds of normal and nonnormal approximation for unbounded exchangeable pairs Professor Qi-Man Shao Hong Kong 13/12/2018
Computing, Maths & Statistics The Annals of Applied Statistics Nonparametric Bayesian learning of heterogeneous dynamic transcription factor networks Dr Yingying Wei Hong Kong 9/11/2018
Computing, Maths & Statistics The Annals of Applied Statistics Bayesian randomized response technique with multiple sensitive attributes: The case of information systems resource misuse Dr Mike So   Hong Kong 9/11/2018
Computing, Maths & Statistics The Annals of Applied Statistics Nonparametric Bayesian learning of heterogeneous dynamic transcription factor networks Dr Yingying Wei Hong Kong 9/11/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Tenth International Symposium on Precision Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation Review of convolutional neural network optimization and training in image processing Professor Xuemin Cheng China 3/7/2019
Computing, Maths & Statistics The Annals of Applied Statistics Bayesian randomized response technique with multiple sensitive attributes: The case of information systems resource misuse Dr Mike So   Hong Kong 9/11/2018
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