Publication Successes

トピック領域 Journal Published Paper 投稿者 From Publication Date
Business Administration & Economics Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics Can tax enforcement affect misstatements? From the perspective of tax account and non-tax account misstatements Dr Bin Li China 17/5/2019
Business Administration & Economics Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics Unintended consequences of regulation FD: a natural experiment from China Dr Chao Bi China 13/5/2019
Business Administration & Economics Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Cross-cultural effects of self-discrepancy on the consumption of counterfeit branded luxuries Dr Chunyu Li Hong Kong 9/10/2018
Business Administration & Economics Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics Parent–subsidiary geographic dispersion and earnings management Dr Bin Li China 4/6/2019
Business Administration & Economics Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Fit or not? Bringing regulatory fit into the frame on health food preferences Professor Molly Huang Taiwan 31/5/2019
Business Administration & Economics Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics The effects of customer involvement on perceived service performance and word-of-mouth: the mediating role of service co-creation Dr. Millissa Cheung Hong Kong 28/8/2020
Business Administration & Economics Asia Pacific Journal of Management Introverts maintain creativity: A resource depletion model of negative workplace gossip Professor Michael Kwan China 20/8/2018
Business Administration & Economics Asia Pacific Journal of Management Is failure the mother of success? Prior failure experience and cross-border M&A completion by emerging market firms Dr. Chenxi Zhou China 17/1/2022
Business Administration & Economics Asia Pacific Journal of Management Is behaving unethically for organizations a mixed blessing? A dual-pathway model for the work-to-family spillover effects of unethical pro-organizational behavior Prof. Michael Kwan Ho Kwong China 6/12/2021
Business Administration & Economics Asia Pacific Journal of Management Is abusive supervision an absolute devil? Literature review and research agenda Dr Jun Liu China 18/4/2018
Business Administration & Economics Asia Pacific Journal of Management Entrepreneurial attention to deregulations and reinvestments by private firms: Evidence from China Dr Weiqi Dai China 5/9/2018
Business Administration & Economics Asia Pacific Journal of Management Separating truth from error: A closer look at the effect of grouped versus intermixed questionnaire format Dr Lida Zhang Macau 25/6/2018
Business Administration & Economics Asia Pacific Journal of Management Ambidexterity between low cost strategy and CSR strategy: contingencies of competition and regulation Professor Yi Liu China 31/5/2019
Business Administration & Economics Asia Pacific Journal of Management Carry the past into the future: the effects of CEO temporal focus on succession planning in family firms Prof. Michael Kwan Ho Kwong China 1/6/2021
Business Administration & Economics Asia Pacific Journal of Management The triggering effect of office design on employee creative performance: an exploratory investigation based on Duffy’s conceptualization Dr. Millissa Cheung Hong Kong 23/5/2020
Business Administration & Economics Asia Pacific Journal of Management When it rains, it pours: A triple-pathway model of collective turnover based on causal mapping analysis Dr Song Wang China 3/8/2017
Business Administration & Economics Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources Effects of servant leadership on work–family balance in China Professor Michael Kwan China 31/8/2016
Business Administration & Economics Asia Pacific Journal of Management The curvilinear relationship between job satisfaction and employee voice: Speaking up for the organization and the self Professor Lucy Lin   Macau 6/4/2019
Business Administration & Economics Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources Work–family spillover and crossover effects of authentic leadership in China Professor Michael Kwan China 26/9/2018
Business Administration & Economics Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources Mistreatment from patients and nurses’ career withdrawal intention: does political skill matter? Dr Fengyu Li China 14/1/2020
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