Publication Successes

トピック領域 Journal Published Paper 投稿者 From Publication Date
Education Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education Understanding student engagement with peer feedback on master’s theses: a Macau study Dr Colin Yu Macau 5/2/2018
Education Assessing Writing Student engagement with teacher written corrective feedback in EFL writing: A case study of Chinese lower-proficiency students Dr Colin Yu Macau 3/9/2018
Education Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education Collaborative cheating among chinese college students: the effects of peer influence and Individualism-Collectivism orientations Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 26/4/2019
Humanities Asian Philosophy Zhuangzi’s idea of ‘spirit’: acting and ‘thinging things’ without self-assertion Dr. Ertai Chiu Hong Kong 29/1/2016
Education Asian Englishes The choice of English pronunciation goals: different views, experiences and concerns of students, teachers and professionals Dr Jim Chan Hong Kong 7/2/2019
Education Asian Education and Development Studies Nationalistic education in the Hong Kong and the Macao SARs of China Dr Eric Chong Hong Kong 10/1/2018
Education Asian Education and Development Studies Domestic and overseas doctorates and their academic entry-level jobs in South Korea Dr Jisun Jung Hong Kong 4/9/2018
Humanities Asian Cinema Translocal female subjectivity: Notes on Ann Hui’s The Golden Era Ms Hong Zeng Hong Kong 4/1/2019
Education Asia Pacific Journal of Education Academic satisfaction with hospitality and tourism education in Macao: the influence of active learning, academic motivation, and student engagement Dr Salott Chau  Macau 8/9/2018
Education Asia Pacific Journal of Education Understanding the reasons for academic stress in Hong Kong via photovoice: implications for education policies and changes Dr. Kwok Kuen Tsang China 6/4/2020
Education Asia Pacific Journal of Education The relationship between school climate and students’ mathematics achievement gaps in Shanghai China: Evidence from PISA 2012 Dr Yuan Teng Hong Kong 23/10/2019
Education Asia Pacific Journal of Education Applying blended synchronous teaching and learning for flexible learning in higher education: an action research study at a university in Hong Kong Dr. Yuqin Yang China 6/1/2020
Education Asia Pacific Education Review Learning experience and perceived competencies of doctoral students in Hong Kong Dr Jisun Jung Hong Kong 24/4/2018
Education Asia Pacific Education Review Environment matters: exploring the relationships between the classroom environment and college students’ affect in mathematics learning in China Professor Hongbiao Yin   Hong Kong 29/4/2017
Education Asia Pacific Education Review Alienated and disaffected students: exploring the civic capacity of ‘Outsiders’ in Asian societies Ms Xiaoxue Kuang China 2/2/2018
Education Asia Pacific Education Review PhD students’ self-perception of skills and career plans while in doctoral programs: are they associated? Mr Hugo Horta Hong Kong 26/4/2018
Education American Educational Research Journal Dynamics of Reflective Assessment and Knowledge Building for Academically Low-Achieving Students Dr Yuqin Yang China 27/9/2019
Business Administration & Economics Young Consumers The perceived cosmopolitan consumption of globally mobile, young consumers from China Dr Wei-Fen Chen Hong Kong 19/11/2018
Business Administration & Economics Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Effects of information-processing mechanisms on Internet-based purchase order financing Dr. Jeff Yeung Hong Kong 18/1/2021
Business Administration & Economics Tropical Conservation Science Regional Fiscal Competition and Corporate Environmental Information Disclosure: Provincial-Level Evidence From China Ms Wei Han China 4/4/2019
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