We are pleased to welcome Dr Trevor Lane to the AsiaEdit team as Education Consultant. Trevor will be reaching out to our clients and the wider academic community with skills-enhancing webinars on the publishing process and writing in general, as well as blogs and a brand new podcast, “AsiaEdit et al.”, featuring guests from companies and organisations involved in the many stages of academic publishing.

关于我们 > 最新消息及活动 > Welcome Dr Trevor Lane To The AsiaEdit Team As Education Consultant
Welcome Dr Trevor Lane To The AsiaEdit Team As Education Consultant

We are pleased to welcome Dr Trevor Lane to the AsiaEdit team as Education Consultant. Trevor will be reaching out to our clients and the wider academic community with skills-enhancing webinars on the publishing process and writing in general, as well as blogs and a brand new podcast, “AsiaEdit et al.”, featuring guests from companies and organisations involved in the many stages of academic publishing.


