College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong

03 March 2022

AsiaEdit has worked on academic research proposals for more than two decades, and we understand well the importance of editing to enhance not only technical clarity but also general readability. In early 2013, the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences at the City University of Hong Kong asked us to take that approach to the next level. The College wanted to improve its success rate in research grant applications and we devised an approach that incorporated detailed feedback into the editing process, highlighting areas that needed further generalisation, reviewing logical flow and drawing attention to the implications of methodology. We won the project in late 2013 and have built on the relationship by continuing to work with the College on the project each year since.


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클라이언트의 스케줄, 우리의 주요 관심사 AsiaEdit는 편집과 관련하여 개인적인 접근 방식을 사용합니다.