Publication Successes

トピック領域 Journal Published Paper 投稿者 From Publication Date
Sciences, Social International Public Management Journal How Does A Seminal Article in Public Administration Diffuse and Influence the Field? Bibliometric Methods and the Case of Hood's “A Public Management For All Seasons?” Professor Richard Walker Hong Kong 26/10/2018
Sciences, Social International Public Management Journal Clients’ Help Deservingness, Crowd Situational Stress And Discretionary Decision-making: An Experimental Study Of Regulatory Street-level Bureaucrats In China Mr Hao Xu China 25/9/2019
Sciences, Social International Public Management Journal Performance targets, path dependence, and policy adoption: evidence from the adoption of pollutant emission control policies in Chinese provinces Mr. Pan Zhang China 12/9/2019
Sciences, Social International Public Management Journal Public-private differences in incentive structures: a laboratory experiment on work motivation and performance Prof. Richard Walker Hong Kong 1/12/2021
Sciences, Social International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Governmentality and Spatial Strategies: Towards Formalization of Street Vendors in Guangzhou, China Dr Gengzhi Huang China 1/7/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Tourism Sciences College students’ perceptions of food fraud in Macau Dr Libo Yan Macau 24/5/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Tourism Research Chinese venturers to Pacific Small Island Developing States: Travel and lifestyle Dr Chloe Lau Hong Kong 20/6/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Tourism Research Community social responsibility and the performance of small tourism enterprises: Moderating effects of entrepreneurs' demographics Dr Caiping Wang China 20/5/2018
Sciences, Social International Journal of Tourism Research The value of P2PA to travelers: Evidence from the Hong Kong market Dr Chloe Lau Hong Kong 7/10/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Tourism Research Motivations of tourism‐induced mobility: Tourism development and the pursuit of the Chinese dream Dr Eric Chan Hong Kong 23/7/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Tourism Research Institutional ownership and return volatility in the casino industry Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 13/12/2017
Sciences, Social International Journal of Tourism Research An integrative framework for collaborative forecasting in tourism supply chains Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 28/11/2017
Sciences, Social International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology The Effects of Mental Health and Substance Abuse/Dependence Disorders on Prison Misconduct Among Male Inmates in Taiwan Dr Connie Kuo Macau 30/12/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction Collective Play Versus Excessive Use: an Insight into Family-Focused Design Intervention for Mobile Phone Overuse Dr Benny Leong Hong Kong 8/10/2018
Sciences, Social International Journal of Media and Information Literacy Assessing Network Media Literacy in China: the Development and Validation of a Comprehensive Assessment Instrument Dr C.K. Cheung Hong Kong 12/5/2018
Sciences, Social International Journal of Language and Linguistics Using Reading to Learn Pedagogy to Improve Chinese Writing among Ethnic Minority Students in Hong Kong: A Quasi-experimental Study Dr Xianhan Huang Hong Kong 28/8/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Intercultural Relations A meaning-making model of post-migration growth for mainland Chinese university students in Hong Kong Dr Jiayan Pan Hong Kong 18/12/2018
Sciences, Social International Journal of Interpretation and Translation Paraphrasing exercises and training for Chinese to English consecutive interpreting Professor Andrew Cheung Hong Kong 8/9/2016
Sciences, Social International Journal of Information Management Information avoidance behavior on social network sites: Information irrelevance, overload, and the moderating role of time pressure Dr. Chaoyou Wang China 16/1/2020
Sciences, Social International Journal of Hospitality Management Development and validation of a multidimensional tourist’s local food consumption value (TLFCV) scale Professor Sam Kim Hong Kong 13/8/2018
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