Publication Successes

トピック領域 Journal Published Paper 投稿者 From Publication Date
Sciences, Physical physica status solidi (b) – basic solid state physics Thickness and Temperature Dependent Out‐of‐Plane Anisotropy of Amorphous CoSiB Thin Films Professor San-Sheng Wang   China 7/4/2018
Sciences, Physical Physica Scripta Radiation effects in high-temperature YBa2Cu3O7-x superconducting thin films with low-energy protons for space radiation environments Professor San Sheng Wang China 13/8/2019
Sciences, Physical Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications The time-varying correlation between policy uncertainty and stock returns: Evidence from China Mr Yuxiang Bian  China 19/2/2018
Sciences, Physical Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications A novel grid-based mesoscopic model for evacuation dynamics Dr Eric Lee Hong Kong 3/5/2018
Sciences, Physical Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Jump spillover between oil prices and exchange rates Dr Xiao-Ping Li China 6/12/2017
Sciences, Physical Organic Electronics Crosslinkable triphenylamine-based hole-transporting polymers for solution-processed polymer light-emitting diodes Dr Lei Ying China 11/2/2017
Sciences, Physical Organic Electronics Semi-orthogonal solution-processed polyfluorene derivative for multilayer blue polymer light-emitting diodes Dr Lei Ying China 27/12/2017
Sciences, Physical Organic Electronics An efficient blue emitter based on a naphthalene indenofluorene core Dr Lei Ying    China 2/2/2018
Sciences, Physical Organic Electronics Synthesis and characterization of highly efficient solution-processable orange Ir(III) complexes for phosphorescent OLED applications Dr Lei Ying China 3/5/2018
Sciences, Physical Organic Electronics Non-fullerene acceptors end-capped with an extended conjugation group for efficient polymer solar cells Dr Lei Ying  China 29/5/2018
Sciences, Physical Organic Electronics Improved performance of non-fullerene polymer solar cells using wide-bandgap random terpolymers Dr Lei Ying    China 20/3/2018
Sciences, Physical Optics Communications Three-dimensional light field microscope based on a lenslet array Dr Mei Zhang China 25/7/2017
Sciences, Physical Optics Communications Improvement of signal-to-noise ratio in photothermal microscopy by optimizing detection aperture Dr Jun Miyazaki Japan 1/5/2017
Sciences, Physical Optics Communications Experimental evaluation of temperature increase and associated detection sensitivity in shot noise-limited photothermal microscopy Dr Jun Miyazaki Japan 13/8/2018
Sciences, Physical Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research: Section A Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment Dr Zhixin Tan China 2/10/2018
Sciences, Physical npj Materials Degradation Modeling the effect of insoluble corrosion products on pitting corrosion kinetics of metals Professor San-Qiang Shi Hong Kong 26/7/2019
Sciences, Physical Nonmagnetic and Magnetic Quantum Dots Biomolecule-Conjugated Quantum Dot Nanosensors as Probes for Cellular Dynamic Events in Living Cells Professor Jung Huang  Taiwan 4/4/2018
Sciences, Physical Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications Blowup for projected 2-dimensional C^2 solutions of compressible Euler equations with Coriolis force Dr. Man Wai Yuen Hong Kong 22/4/2020
Sciences, Physical New Journal of Physics Computational analysis of vibrational spectrum and hydrogen bonds of ice XVII Dr Peng Zhang China 4/1/2019
Sciences, Physical Nature Energy Fine-tuning of the chemical structure of photoactive materials for highly efficient organic photovoltaics Dr Lei Ying China 22/10/2018
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