Publication Successes

トピック領域 Journal Published Paper 投稿者 From Publication Date
Sciences, Physical Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Achieving high magneto-impedance effect: Controlling the evolution of textures in FeNi thin films by thermal annealing Professor San Sheng Wang   China 7/3/2017
Sciences, Physical Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control Reconstruction of low-frequency bridge noise using an inverse modal acoustic transfer vector method Dr Xiaodong Song China 12/10/2018
Sciences, Physical Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems Predicting the remaining useful life of rolling element bearings using locally linear fusion regression Dr Chuan Li China 22/6/2018
Sciences, Physical Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems Fuzzy feature fusion and multimodal degradation prognosis for mechanical components Dr Chuan Li China 22/6/2018
Sciences, Physical Journal of Hazardous Materials  Multi-agent Simulation regulated by Microbe-Oriented Thermodynamics and Kinetics Equations for Exploiting Interspecies Dynamics and Evolution between Methanogenesis, Sulfidogenesis, Hydrogenesis and Exoelectrogenesis Dr Henry Lee Hong Kong 12/6/2018
Sciences, Physical Journal of Hazardous Materials Facile synthesis of highly reactive and stable Fe-doped g-C3N4 composites for peroxymonosulfate activation: A novel nonradical oxidation process Dr. Kaimin Shih Hong Kong 25/4/2018
Sciences, Physical Journal of Hazardous Materials Degradation of contaminants by Cu+-activated molecular oxygen in aqueous solutions: Evidence for cupryl species (Cu3+) Dr Kaimin Shih Hong Kong 20/2/2017
Sciences, Physical Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics Attitude Dynamics of Spacecraft with Time-Varying Inertia During On-Orbit Refueling Dr. Guang Zhai China 15/3/2018
Sciences, Physical Journal of Geodynamics Singular spectrum analysis of ionospheric anomalies preceding great earthquakes: Case studies of Kaikoura and Fukushima earthquakes Mr Kunpeng Shi China 1/4/2019
Sciences, Physical Journal of Fluid Mechanics The re-initiation mechanism of detonation diffraction in a weakly unstable gaseous mixture Dr Chih Yung Wen Hong Kong 21/5/2020
Sciences, Physical Journal of Fluid Mechanics Drag reduction in turbulent flows along a cylinder by streamwise-travelling waves of circumferential wall velocity Dr Wei-Xi Huang    China 1/7/2019
Sciences, Physical Journal of Fluid Mechanics Formation of drops and rings in double-diffusive sedimentation Dr Yi-Ju Chou Taiwan 17/12/2019
Sciences, Physical Journal of Fluid Mechanics Data-driven construction of a reduced-order model for supersonic boundary layer transition Dr Wei-Xi Huang Hong Kong 15/7/2019
Sciences, Physical Journal of Fluid Mechanics Numerical study of convective sedimentation through a sharp density interface Dr Yi-Ju Chou Taiwan 7/6/2017
Sciences, Physical Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Controllable synthesis of carbon nanosheets derived from oxidative polymerisation of m-phenylenediamine Professor Xiaoyan Li Hong Kong 29/8/2018
Sciences, Physical Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Critical role of oxygen vacancies in heterogeneous Fenton oxidation over ceria-based catalysts Dr Eric Tsang Hong Kong 21/9/2019
Sciences, Physical Journal of Chemistry Physicochemical Characterisation of Polysaccharides from the Seeds and Leaves of Miracle Fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum) and Their Antioxidant and α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activities In Vitro Professor Huajun Jian China 30/3/2017
Sciences, Physical Journal of Chromatography B Stability and activity of immobilized trypsin on carboxymethyl chitosan-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles cross-linked with carbodiimide and glutaraldehyde Dr Jun Sun China 4/10/2017
Sciences, Physical Journal of Applied Polymer Science Performance improvement of electrolytic air dehumidification systems with high‐water‐uptake polymer electrolyte membranes Ms Dujuan Li    China 22/3/2019
Sciences, Physical Journal of Applied Physics Uniformity control of the deposition rate profile of a-Si:H film by gas velocity and temperature distributions in a capacitively coupled plasma reactor Dr Ho Jun Kim    South Korea 19/3/2018
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