Publication Successes

トピック領域 Journal Published Paper 投稿者 From Publication Date
Sciences, Medical Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery LTB4 and montelukast in transplantation-related bronchiolitis obliterans in rats Dr Zhenyu Zhou    China 25/5/2017
Sciences, Medical International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Antecedents and Contextual Factors Affecting Occupational Turnover among Registered Nurses in Public Hospitals in Hong Kong: A Qualitative Descriptive Study Dr Stanley Lam Hong Kong 28/5/2020
Sciences, Medical International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Insight into Patients' Experiences of Cancer Care in Taiwan: An Instrument Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation Study Dr Michael Chung Taiwan 17/8/2018
Sciences, Medical Journal of Dermatological Treatment Assessment of adherence to eczema treatment in Hong Kong children Professor Janita Chau Hong Kong 12/2/2019
Sciences, Medical Human Reproduction Update Effect of levothyroxine supplementation on pregnancy loss and preterm birth in women with subclinical hypothyroidism and thyroid autoimmunity: a systematic review and meta-analysis Dr Meng Rao China 14/2/2019
Sciences, Medical JMIR Mental Health Harnessing Social Media to Explore Youth Social Withdrawal in Three Major Cities in China: Cross-Sectional Web Survey Dr Lucia Liu    Hong Kong 10/5/2018
Sciences, Medical International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health The Impact of the Environment on the Quality of Life and the Mediating Effects of Sleep and Stress Dr Katherine Chang Hong Kong 17/11/2020
Sciences, Medical International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition  Effects of chocolate-based products intake on blood glucose, insulin and ghrelin levels and on satiety in young people: a cross-over experimental study Dr Cai-Xia Zhang    China 19/2/2018
Sciences, Medical International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Fat Mass Is Positively Associated with Estimated Hip Bone Strength among Chinese Men Aged 50 Years and above with Low Levels of Lean Mass Dr Su-Mei Xiao China 24/4/2017
Sciences, Medical Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal Gauze Aortic Compression and Super Massive Blood Transfusion Protocol for Injury to the Abdominal Aorta: A Case Report Mr Yang Zhou    China 11/9/2018
Sciences, Medical Journal of Endourology Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy Could Lead to a Prolonged Increase in the Renal Fibrotic Process of Up to 2 Years Professor Anthony Ng Hong Kong 1/3/2018
Sciences, Medical Health and Quality of Life Outcomes The effects of beliefs about AIDS-related death on quality of life in Chinese married couples with both husband and wife infected with HIV: examining congruence using the actor-partner interdependence model Dr Nancy Yu Hong Kong 17/6/2017
Sciences, Medical Journal of Applied Toxicology Low‐level perfluorooctanoic acid enhances 3 T3‐L1 preadipocyte differentiation via altering peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma expression and its promoter DNA methylation Professor Yuebin Ke China 2/11/2017
Sciences, Medical JAMA Psychiatry Association of an Early Intervention Service for Psychosis With Suicide Rate Among Patients With First-Episode Schizophrenia-Spectrum Disorders Dr Sherry Chan Hong Kong 4/4/2018
Sciences, Medical Infectious Diseases of Poverty Imported parasitic diseases in mainland China: current status and perspectives for better control and prevention Ms Langui Song China 3/8/2018
Sciences, Medical International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Association between Cesarean Section and Weight Status in Chinese Children and Adolescents: A National Survey Ms Jingjing Liang    China 20/12/2017
Sciences, Medical Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Factors Influencing Atopic Dermatitis Incidence in Offspring Ms Siqi Ye China 17/8/2019
Sciences, Medical Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics Serum and follicular fluid fetuin-B levels are correlated with fertilization rates in conventional IVF cycles Dr Yinghui Ye China 9/5/2019
Sciences, Medical Infectious Diseases of Poverty Parasitology should not be abandoned: data from outpatient parasitological testing in Guangdong, China Ms Langui Song    China 4/9/2017
Sciences, Medical International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Measuring the Destination Accessibility of Cycling Transfer Trips in Metro Station Areas: A Big Data Approach Mrs. Xueying Wu Hong Kong 24/7/2019
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