Publication Successes

トピック領域 Journal Published Paper 投稿者 From Publication Date
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Pollution Causes of ozone pollution in summer in Wuhan, Central China Dr Hai Guo Hong Kong 15/6/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Pollution Contributions and source identification of biogenic and anthropogenic hydrocarbons to secondary organic aerosols at Mt. Tai in 2014 Professor Lingxiao Yang China 11/4/2016
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Pollution Microbial driven iron reduction affects arsenic transformation and transportation in soil-rice system☆ Dr. Wai Chin Li Hong Kong 20/1/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Pollution Differences in phytoaccumulation of organic pollutants in freshwater submerged and emergent plants Dr Yi Wan China 26/5/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Pollution To what extent can the below-cloud washout effect influence the PM2.5? A combined observational and modeling study Dr Jimmy Fung Hong Kong 5/1/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Materials and Waste Thermal Behavior of Red Mud and Its Beneficial Use in Glass-Ceramic Production Dr Kaimin Shih Hong Kong 29/4/2016
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental International The effects of firework regulation on air quality and public health during the Chinese Spring Festival from 2013 to 2017 in a Chinese megacity Dr Lan Yao China 20/2/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Pollution Emissions of fine particulate nitrated phenols from the burning of five common types of biomass Dr Xinfeng Wang  China 7/1/2017
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Earth Sciences Factors influencing thermokarst lake development in Beiluhe basin, the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau Dr Huini Wang United States 16/12/2017
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Earth Sciences Vegetation response to climatic variation and human activities on the Ordos Plateau from 2000 to 2016 Mr Qimin Ma China 12/5/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Earth Sciences Heavy metal pollution characteristics and health risk evaluation of soil around a tungsten-molybdenum mine in Luoyang, China Mr. Hao Zhang China 31/3/2021
Sciences, Earth & Space Environment International Ultra violet filters in the urine of preschool children and drinking water Dr Wen-Jing Deng Hong Kong 29/10/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental and Resource Economics Shaping the Relationship Between Economic Development and Carbon Dioxide Emissions at the Local Level: Evidence from Spatial Econometric Models Professor Huang Bo Hong Kong 29/3/2017
Sciences, Earth & Space Environment International Nontargeted identification of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in human follicular fluid and their blood-follicle transfer Mr. Qiyue Kang China 4/9/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Environment International Determination and occurrence of natural and synthetic glucocorticoids in surface waters Dr. Wan YiC China 8/11/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Environment International Assessment of health burden caused by particulate matter in southern China using high-resolution satellite observation Dr Jimmy Fung China 11/10/2016
Sciences, Earth & Space Ecological Engineering Costs and environmental benefits of watershed conservation and restoration in Taiwan Dr Ivy Chen Taiwan 11/6/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Ecological Indicators Are more economic efficient solutions ignored by current policy: Cost-benefit and NPV analysis of coal-fired power plant technology schemes in China Dr Dan Wu China 4/6/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Ecological Engineering Combined ecohydrological effects of wind regime change and land reclamation on a tidal marsh in semi-enclosed bay Dr May Chui Hong Kong 10/5/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Riverine export of water, sediment and carbon during flood events in the arid to semi-arid Wuding River on the Chinese Loess Plateau Dr. Lishan Ran Hong Kong 3/6/2020
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