AsiaEdit in the Community – Jennifer Oliver, Co-Chief Editor
30 January 2023
‘AsiaEdit in the Community’ is our community outreach program through which our full-time team members can spend time on projects that benefit their community at large or contribute to issues that are dear to their heart. In this edition, we highlight the outreach efforts of Dr Jennifer Oliver, our Co-Chief Editor and Managing Editor (Life Sciences), at a community voter registration event in Dearborn, Michigan.
To fulfil its mission of educating voters in the USA, the League of Women Voterssurveys candidates for positions in all levels of US government and publishes their responses to questions about various policy issues in the form of voter guides before each election. These are made freely available via VOTE411, a nationwide online service that provides voters with personalised information about their ballot and where and how to vote, and in printed publications that can be found at local public buildings (city halls, libraries) and other locations, including community events. Late last year, our Co-Chief Editor Jennifer Oliver helped distribute local and state voter guides at a community voter registration event in Dearborn, Michigan.
Photo credit: Betsy Cushman
For more of AsiaEdit’s CSR and ‘AsiaEdit in the Community’ activities, please visit our News & Events page.