Publication Successes

トピック領域 Journal Published Paper 投稿者 From Publication Date
Sciences, Earth & Space Science of the Total Environment Nitrated phenols and the phenolic precursors in the atmosphere in urban Jinan, China Dr. Xinfeng Wang China 16/1/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Science of the Total Environment Effects of free nitrous acid and nitrite on two-phase anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge: A preliminary study Dr Ying Xu China 11/7/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Science of the Total Environment Effects of free nitrous acid and nitrite on two-phase anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge: A preliminary study Dr Ying Xu China 11/7/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Science of the Total Environment Abundance and origin of fine particulate chloride in continental China Mr Xue Yang Hong Kong 27/12/2017
Sciences, Earth & Space Science of the Total Environment Abundance and origin of fine particulate chloride in continental China Mr Xue Yang Hong Kong 27/12/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Scientific Reports Validation of Size Estimation of Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis on Polydisperse Macromolecule Assembly Professor Namjoon Cho Singapore 25/2/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Scientific Reports Validation of Size Estimation of Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis on Polydisperse Macromolecule Assembly Professor Namjoon Cho Singapore 25/2/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Science of the Total Environment Integrating multi-state and multi-phase treatment for anaerobic sludge digestion to enhance recovery of bio-energy Dr Ying Xu China 9/3/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Science of the Total Environment Cryogenic circulation for indoor air pollution control Dr Lei Bi China 18/9/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Science of the Total Environment Contribution of transregional transport to particle pollution and health effects in Shanghai during 2013–2017 Dr Lan Yao China 4/5/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Science of the Total Environment Ambient air pollutants are associated with newly diagnosed tuberculosis: A time-series study in Chengdu, China Ms Sui Zhu China 8/1/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Science of the Total Environment Characterization of organic aerosols and their precursors in southern China during a severe haze episode in January 2017 Dr Zhe Wang Hong Kong 7/9/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Science of the Total Environment Modeling the temporal dynamics of intertidal benthic infauna biomass with environmental factors: Impact assessment of land reclamation Dr May Chui   Hong Kong 11/11/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Science of the Total Environment A comprehensive review of spatial allocation of LID-BMP-GI practices: Strategies and optimization tools Dr May Chui   Hong Kong 18/12/2017
Sciences, Earth & Space Science of the Total Environment Modelling oil trajectories and potentially contaminated areas from the Sanchi oil spill Ms Min Zhang China 19/6/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Science of the Total Environment Linking hydrological and bioecological benefits of green infrastructures across spatial scales – A literature review Dr May Chui Hong Kong 26/7/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Science of the Total Environment Nighttime NOx loss and ClNO2 formation in the residual layer of a polluted region: Insights from field measurements and an iterative box model Professor Tao Wang Hong Kong 13/12/2017
Sciences, Earth & Space Science of the Total Environment Nighttime NOx loss and ClNO2 formation in the residual layer of a polluted region: Insights from field measurements and an iterative box model Professor Tao Wang Hong Kong 13/12/2017
Sciences, Earth & Space Science of the Total Environment Theoretical evaluation of different factors affecting the HO2 uptake coefficient driven by aqueous-phase first-order loss reaction Dr Zhe Wang Hong Kong 18/3/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Science of the Total Environment Evaluation of the total maximum allocated load of dissolved inorganic nitrogen using a watershed–coastal ocean coupled model Mr Yuren Chen China 4/9/2019
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